The Aesthetic Zone

Below is a typical example of a young female with agenesis of her maxillary (upper) lateral incisors. This means they did not develop from birth.

Diagnostic Pre-Treatment Images

Treatment Images

Two bone level NC 3.3mm diameter implants were then carefully placed using a surgical guide to ensure ideal placement in this confined space. Several intra-operative check x-rays were taken with depth gauges in place.

The definitive impression is now taken. Impression copings are placed and a check radiograph is taken to confirm complete seating.

Initially provisional restorations were constructed. This is to confirm the ideal emergence profile and to support complete healing of the interproximal papillae.


Following two months with provisional restoration in place, aesthetics were deemed to be ideal.

Impression copings were then customised to capture the emergence profile which had been established, and definitive impressions were taken. Veneered zirconia crowns were then luted onto Variobase abutments in the lab, and the restorations were then inserted, and abutment screws torqued to 35 Ncm.
